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Data Grid - Overlays

The various data grid overlays.

Loading overlay

To display a loading overlay and signify that the data grid is in a loading state, set the loading prop to true.

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Custom component

If you want to customize the no rows overlay, a component can be passed to the loadingOverlay slot. In the following demo, a LinearProgress component is rendered in place of the default circular loading spinner.

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No rows overlay

The no rows overlay is displayed when the data grid has no rows.

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Custom component

If you want to customize the no rows overlay, a component can be passed to the noRowsOverlay slot and rendered in place. In the following demo, an illustration is added on top of the default "No rows" message.

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No results overlay

The no results overlay is displayed when the data grid has no results after filtering.

Custom component

If you want to customize the no results overlay, a component can be passed to the noResults slot and rendered in place. In the following demo, an illustration is added on top of the default "No results found" message.